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All I Want for Christmas is Good Posture: a Quiz

The first step to fixing anything is knowing exactly what needs fixing.

Like posture. Understanding good posture means understanding bad posture.

So, in the spirit of that, (as well as kitsching up your holidays!), my gift to you is a quiz! Can you spy the most obvious elements of bad posture in the following fab photos?

Your prize for getting them all right is certainly a step towards better health. Not to mention a tinsely sense of superiority.











1. This exaggerated kyphosis probably isn't her everyday posture but more of a body language message of "Ho Ho hooold me, Santa!"

2. Is it me or is the standing child's R knee hyperextension not the only sadly haunting thing about this photo?

3. It's a red velour shout out to shoulder asymmetry. Also, L leg and foot stuff but look at that little rocking chair back there!

4. Shoulder elevaaaaaaation.

5. Where to start, besides a shirt? R leg externally rotated (and unweighted) is the most obvious but I think there’s a lot of rotation going on here-R pelvis is back. And clear rib thrust, but then, knotty pine brings it out in people.

6. Just a general collapse and slight fitigue posture, but a lot of us lost our will to fire core stabilizers in the ‘70s.

7. I love everything in this room except the posture: Rolled shoulders, R is lower. And the legs, well, take your pick on rotation—internal, external, it’s all going on.

8 The middle child has a great future in rhythmic gymnastics ahead of her with that knee hyperextension!

9. Kyphosis, cheers!

10. Was the photographer leaning or is the R side about to float off? This photo makes me both happy and sad at the same time. But perhaps it's a perfectly timed reminder to us all: decorate (and dress!) joyously and relax those upper traps!


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