If you spend much time with your body at all, you start collecting lots of things to work on—posture cues, breathing cues, relaxation stuff, well at least I have.
In fact, I have so many little things to work on that it overwhelmes me to try and do them all. I end up doing none of them.
So I decided to pick seven and just focus on a different one every day of the week. In time I think they'll become habitual and I can change to seven more.
I printed my reminders on small pieces of paper and then made little holders (anything for a craft project!) for them. I change which reminder is in front every day.
I sewed magnetic tape to the backs of the holders and a little loop at the top. This gives me a lot of flexibility where to put them. Right now I've hung the holders at the kitchen sink, by the bathroom mirror, and by my computer.
I do think these little things should have a name. "Wellminders?" (wellness + reminder) "Wellfirmations?" (Wellness + affirmation) Hmm...not sure. Guess I'll have to work on that.
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